Change Happens

ProfilePicWOCFeb2014Getting older is just part of life.  Today I realized that, indeed, the little boy is just about gone.  He has grown into a true TWEEN.  Thirteen years old will arrive on May 19, 2014 and I do not want to acknowledge this change, nor see the visible changes of his first pimple or sweaty armpits that have arrived.  As we stood in line waiting our turn for reconciliation a short while ago,  he whispered to me after waiting almost 30 minutes in line,  “why do people take so long?”.  I told him simply that “the older we get, the longer our confessions do too.  We have more opportunities to “sin” or do things wrong.”  He was satisfied with that, but then it hit…. My baby is gone.  He is understanding more and more.

I am treasuring each day with each one of my five children.   I can’t change the past and worrying about the future drains me of the energy for today.  Christopher’s life gives us unique prospective into how change does happen.  One day diapers, the next (at 7 years old) going on the toilet.  Conversations have gone from an ongoing “repeat” to at least three or more “on topic” exchanges in the last eight years.  As of last month, he can at least button one large button and unbutton about four smaller buttons in a row.  Shoe tying, belt buckling and writing his name are in progress, and the day will come that these too will be mastered.  I’ll be sure to blog about that too.

His voice is changing, his story is changing, our lives are changing.  Although we might not know it today, God has a purpose for our present trials.  He never leaves us.  We depend totally on him to stay focused on the present moment.  The simplest commandment gives us the best insight, “to love one another as I have loved you”.    This is the focus of “Know Greater Love Ministries”  that we have established going forward.  Yes, it is that simple, focusing on love gives us the peace, wisdom and endurance to live each day as it comes.  Love inspires us, love sustains us and our stories bring comfort, we are not alone in our trials.

Take a few minutes to discover “Life with Limbs”.   Let Nick Vujicic further encourage you to live a life that is full, without limits.  Let his love for others  and life give you hope and encouragement!

Comments 9

  1. Olá sou brasileira,tenho um menino de 14 anos Gregory, nasceu prematuro com 630 grs ele também gosta muito de músicas porém não fala tão bem quanto Christopher mas ele cantarola suas canções preferidas uma que el gosta muito diz assim “nunca pare de lutar” e ele sempre fala isso do jeito dele, Deus abençoe sua família!!! me emocionei muito com sua história me lembrei de Gregory.

  2. My Dearest Christopher,

    I love you and so glad our Jesus loves us. You are truly a blessing from God. Thank you, for sharing with the world. We need more like you. Because of you we can see with our hearts that God does exist. Peace and love be with you all the days of your and for the days you don’t feel like you have peace or love. Don’t worry. God is with you then as always. Love and best wishes to you family as well. Hope to hear a lot more about you and our Jesus.

    Love through Christ, Maggie and Kevin Cunningham

  3. I can only pray that one day I will be blessed to hear you in person. You made me stop and thank God for letting me hear your beautiful voice. Also to stop and realize that God puts his love in all of us. We just have to be smart enough to stop and listen to his voice. Thank you so much Christopher for reminding me that my life isn’t so bad. God Bless

    1. Season greetings, beloved Christopher Duffley….
      Truly, u are indeed an epitome of hope and life-changing young minister of this present erra where sin has grown to a highest peak in our lives over here in Nigeria….
      Perhaps, ur inspirational voice has really changed my life, my worthless, sinful nature in accordance to the will of God. Not only that, people around me have as well received a touch of change after listening to ur dynamic voice though u are physically down (blind Nature)….. I pray dat God will increase u in wisdom, stature and even in favour with God and man just as His Son, Jesus was mightly used on earth…. Now I fully Know that there is ABILITY in DISABILTY… AND there is know excuse to render for not serving God with wat God has built inside a being He created…..
      May the Lord be ur strenght always…..
      Love through Jesus,
      Nwachukwu Emmanuel. I love u!!!:D

  4. Today a colleague at Trinity Christian College e-mailed me a video clip of Christopher singing “Open the Eyes of My Heart”. I am currently teaching an online master’s course on low incidence disabilities and I was exited to be able to share this with my students in our weekly devotional.
    I also teach a course of pre-service teachers at Elim Christian School, a facility dedicated to students that have special needs. For the last 20 minutes of each class my college students tutor a student from Elim. They will also be required to begin thinking of transition goals for these students. I want to introduce them to Christopher’s life story as well – realizing the real challenges and celebrating the tremendous gifts.
    Thanks so MUCH for your inspiration!
    Dr. Pete Post

    1. Thank you for letting me know. God is using Christopher’s life for many wonderful things. Teachers are vital to the development of special kids. Any time I can assist, please let me know. I am also working on a video for educators. It is taking me a long time to do! To keep in touch, sign up for our newsletter too. God bless you and your wonderful courses and students. Christine

  5. Dear Christopher (and precious family)

    I thank God and thank you for sharing your lives and message of true hope with the world. Christopher’s singing, and your message of hope really brings great encouragement.

    I have been reminded again today that great trials bring opportunities to be a blessing in spite of the pain.

    I thank God for my son, CJ who has a diagnosis of Autism as well as for the other challenges that we are facing right now and pray that like Christopher and your whole family, we will be messengers of true hope IJMN.

    Much Love to you all!!!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to write to us! May we persevere together in sharing our light and giving glory to God for carrying us through our trials. Blessed Advent and Christmas, Christine

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