Sharing Christopher’s Story

Christopher's 9th Anniversary of his adoption into the Duffley family.jpgIt’s hard to believe it has been over 10 years since Christopher entered into our lives.  At the time of his birth, I had four of my own children ages 8 months to 8 years.  I can honestly say, it all started with a prayer and then a tug at my heart.

Before Christopher’s homecoming, there was a  prayer that was very popular that year, and it went like this:

“Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil.”  The Prayer of Jabez

This prayer, taken from 1 Chronicles 4:10, is about asking God to bless your life, your work and to be upon your future plans.  I was reciting this prayer, giving each day to God, not out of what he can do for me, but rather, what can I do for Him.  By entrusting each day to him, I knew where I needed to be, that he would help me with whatever happened, good or bad.

As we prayed and discerned about having Christopher come into our home, it was remarkable to see how open our children were to having another sibling, knowing that he was not “normal”.  Steve and I both felt that by inviting Christopher into our family, we were also obeying the voice of God.  In the bible it says “Whoever welcomes  one such child for my sake welcomes me”.  Jesus wasn’t kidding when he shared this with his disciples, as recorded in Matthew’s gospel.  We also felt that we were modeling to our children what our faith professes, the gospel of Life.

There is so much to share, and I am honored that you have spent the last few minutes reading the beginning of our story.  There is so much more to come.  I promise to continue to share our story, not just about Christopher, but OUR story of hope, love and faith.  Please feel free to join our Newsletter and journey with us.   May God bless you!

Comments 67

  1. Christopher you have touch my heart and crying with joy of glory of god I have a son with austism his name is joseph ,I believe god will work miracle by faith and you will see Christopher one day, you have wonderful talent in singing, I pray this everyday to my son joseph exdodus15:26 if you diligently the voice of The Lord god and do what is right in his sight give ears to his commandments and keep all his statues, then I will put none of the diseases that I have brought on Egyptians for I am The Lord who heals you. I keep my faith strong, praying,praying,.

    1. Io non sono una mamma e non ho figli ma insegno da 38 anni ed ho avuto diversi ragazzi autistici o con altre disabilità per questo riesco a capire la gioia e, nello stesso tempo l’impotenza di un genitore…io ce la metto tutta con la musica..

    2. Christopher, you are so amazing! Your songs should be released to regular radio (if you want of course)! You are brilliant in so many ways. God Bless you!!

        1. YouTube was playing. I started with Christmas music and I’m glad it found you. God bless you and your family. I’m sorry your birth mom did what she did. I had gotten sober for my baby and am glad I did. Its a tough life out there and your anointing in your voice has everything right there:God! I’m touched and blessed. I have aspergers and my mom drank alcohol when pregnant with me. Don’t want to let doctors descriptions define us. We are children of God/Yahweh. He loves us so much and I love you

  2. I learnt of Christopher by browsing YouTube. I was watching young talented musicians and landed of a video of Christopher. I am ANTI-RELIGION because it is man made and the bible is a book that is interpreted in to many different ways. However I am a good person and applaud the beauty that can be found in this world. Religion aside, Christopher’s talent is inspiring and touching. I hope this little medical miracle continues to develop his talent and continue to touch people all over the world. I am a French Canadian living in the Province of Ontario, way up in the north where winter reigns 8 months a year.

    1. Dear Pierre Neron,
      It warmed my heart to see you write a comment in support of Christopher. Like you I do hate man-made religion. I am sorry for your experience with some churches. I know I am a stranger, but please would you try one thing? On a night when winter you are alone, take a try at just talking to Jesus. Don’t consider it prayer.- just ask him to show himself to you.
      I did this a long time ago, when like you, I did not believe in anything or anybody. I was alone in a room, so I asked, “Jesus, if you are real, then show me. I do not trust the lies and the differing stories of who and what you are.”
      At first I felt a small tingle at saying his name out loud. I waited, but nothing happened right away. I went to bed thinking how foolish I was to even try. As the days went by. little things started popping up. it was more than a coincidence. From that moment on I became aware of Jesus as a person and then as my Savior.
      It is nice to be loved unconditionally. No matter what I do, He loves me. During those cold winter months, Jesus would never leave you. All it takes is a moment to ask Him.
      I hope the best for you Pierre. You lose nothing to ask, but a way to gain the best life, here and now.
      Love you!

  3. Dear Duffley Family,
    I just wanted to thank Steve for sharing Christopher with us this past weekend at Cursillo. The world is a better place because your family is in it. Thank you for all you do. You are all an inspiration.
    Sincerely, Richard Manzi

  4. Dear Christine,

    My wife and I have 3 kids, two of whom are on the ASD spectrum. We are so impressed of how God has been amazingly working in your family. Christopher has brought ‘Difference’ to another level altogether. I cannot be less than astonished to see the ‘hope’, that his singing and musical talents has brought to many struggling Christian families like us. around the world. Praise the Lord!

  5. I just watched a video where Christopher was singing, Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord. What an inspiration! I lost my job about 5 months ago and have really been having a hard time. My faith has been less than stellar, and at times didn’t feel the presence of God. I have felt lonely and empty and in need of something that would “open the eyes of my heart.” Today, that need was met.
    As I watched the video, tears streaming down my face, I felt God envelope me and give me peace. You, my little friend, helped bring that relief I so desperately needed.
    As you and your family enter into the most holy season, I pray for continued blessings and joys to you and your family.
    Keep singing little man, you are beloved by many!

    1. I felt the same way when I saw the video the tears just flowed before Christopher sang! Here I am a grown woman stressing and worrying about things and I hear Christopher’s voice and it dawns on me why am I worrying I look at Christopher and I see I have nothing to worry about. God loves us and takes care of us all and He sends a blessing like Christopher and thru his music God opens our eyes! Thanks to be God for this gift! Thank you to Christopher and his family for sharing his amazing gift!

  6. I’ve seen Christopher videos through a friend shared it through Facebook and I did watched him. I cried not because I’m sad, I cried because God is amazing, through Christopher I realised how bless and lucky I am. He inspired me and be more thankful to God for everything, to God nothing is impossible indeed. As I watch you singing I can” hold my tears streaming down my face, its overwhelmed me watching such a gifted child like you. I pray to God to continue use you as blessing s to others, be inspired by you and appreciate every little things that GOD has given to all of us.God Bless you and keep praising and worshipping God as he as a good plans for you.

  7. It’s so interesting how doctors always try to place people in boxes. I “failed a test” for ADD recently and because I didn’t fit into their box they couldn’t do anything for me but suggest I take vitamins I already take even after I complained about day to day tasks and being able to be attentive and learn in college courses being increasingly difficult for me. Just the same as they say autistic kids can’t communicate and have a hard time talking let alone communicating feelings through the gift of song. Yet your son has surpassed that by a long shot. They don’t realize that having faith, whether it be in the Christian God or any good God you choose, anything is possible as long as you have faith. Just when scientists and doctors are reading this and listening to his song they may say “ah, well he is unusual; a special case, an outlier in the statistics, most kids with autism will never be able to do that” But that is because not every autistic kid has a loving and supportive family with a strong faith and an awesome God to back them up. It is through faith that beautiful, unremarkable, and extraordinary things can happen as long as you believe and have faith in your God. I wish your family well and that Christopher grows up to be a fun and healthy man that everyone loves and everyone gets to experience the joy that comes from his and your family’s faith.

      1. I just watched your brothers video,and I can stop crying, at the beginning it looked like just a regular video but when I heard the way he was born it really touched me, unbelievable now I feel like a new person, I don’t know what else to say just that he open one side of my heart that needed to be open, thanks God for giving me the opportunity to se this video, it really change my life

        1. Thank you Francisco, that is beautiful. Stay close to God, our father, and He will continue to open your heart wider. Thank you for sharing!

  8. I am a college student strongly considering majoring in therapeutic recreation. One of the main things that the people in this field stress is when working with people with disabilities is focusing on their abilities rather than their disabilities. Far too often people try to put children with disabilities in a box depending on what they are unable to do, in effect putting limitations on what they can do. However, you choose to focus on Christopher’s abilities, such as his wonderful singing ability, rather than on his disabilities (the fact that he is autistic and blind). People also are very quick to question God’s sovereignty and ask how a good God could allow something like what happened to Christopher to happen. It is so refreshing to see how you continue to put your faith in God and his plan for Christopher. God has, is, and will continue to use Christopher to bless all around him and many, like myself, who will probably never meet him.

    1. Thank you Jack. You said that very well and everyone needs to understand the concept of expecting more. I find that everyday in a new day, a new way! Christopher is where he is today because of many people. We have had therapeutic riding, music therapy, OT, PT, music lessons, teachers willing to aim hiring, a public music teacher that see great potential in every student, church, family and most importantly, prayer. Thank you and please pray for our ministry, being launched shortly, called Know Greater Love. Christine

  9. Dear Christopher and Duffley family –

    Listening right now to this amazing CD that someone “gifted” to me. I was brought to tears several times – what a fantastic voice, heart and soul! (Bless The Lord, oh my soul…right?) I am so proud to say I live in NH and know of your love and faith to the Catholic Church and NH Cursillo movement – just knowing Christopher’s amazing story now for many years, and hearing and seeing his incredible talent truly affirms my faith and bolsters my spirit. Christopher, you are a blessing…chosen by Our God to open the eyes of our hearts. You reflect Him, you emulate Him, you follow His lead with every note you sing. God bless your heart; May He continue to bless you and your amazing family for many, many years. I hope to meet you one day and give you a huge hug!

  10. Dear Christopher and Duffley family – you have done a wonderful Job thank you so much for letting the whole world know about your story of Christopher he is a very remarkable boy , I am so happy that he has a very special Aunt and uncle that loves him so much or should i say mom and dad.. God bless you all… i would love to meet Christopher and the whole family one day……

  11. Hello Dufflley family,
    I thank God for Christopher;s life. I cannot but say what AN awesome GOD we serve.
    God will continue to bless your family. I couldn’t help but cry when i watched him sing Open The Eyes Of My Heart.
    God bless you all for ur loving kindness.

  12. hi…I just bought the cd….I am 76 yrs old man and just love his voice, but most of all his love for god…I can tell and feel how happy he is…his songs make me cry, but not sad, tears of joy.. thanks for taking him when he was a baby and showing him love.. god bless and thank you jesus

  13. I made a type error in my email! Excuse the error. I have to purchase Christopher’smusic and share with my grandkids. Thank you again!

  14. Dear Christopher,
    You sang “Open the eyes of my heart Lord” in praises to His Name…. but let me also tell you that through you the Lord has open my eyes and has drawn me closer once again to Him. you may be a differently abled person but you are sighted spiritually and you used that to praise His Name…. you are incredibly amazing. you have melted down and touch the heart of the world. Tears rolling down in pain and in joy to see you praise God’s Name …. May the good God blessing continue to shower on you.

    Dear Duffley & Family,
    You have taken a step closer to His Kingdom by taking Christopher as your own. your possession in His Heavenly Kingdom would be so great that not even a gold could buy on this earth… May your family continue to grow in the act of expanding His Kingdom. and do remember me in your prayer. To God be the glory.

  15. Dear Christopher,
    You are simply amazing….. You sang “Open the eyes of my heart lord” but let me also tell you that through you the Lord has once again open my eyes and have drawn me closer to Him. You have melted down and touch the heart of the world. You’re gonna be one the richest in Heaven. May the good God blessing continue to shower on you.

    Dear Duffley and family,
    I am deeply touched with the kind of love, care & compassion you have for Christopher. Your family is one step closer to His Kingdom I can say. may your act of expanding the God’s Kingdom continue now and forever. To God be the glory.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Please pray for us as we want to follow the Lord and his will for our ministry called Know Greater Love Ministries. Blessings, Christine

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  17. Pingback: This Video Of A Blind/Autistic Boy Singing “I Can Only Imagine” Will Melt Your Heart | A NEW LIGHT DAWNING

  18. God is amazing!
    Somehow I stumbled upon a video of Christopher’s testimony and “Open the Eyes of My Heart” performance today. I’ve been pretty low the past couple of weeks. I have what I thought was a terrible “hand of cards” dealt to me. Medical condition that the doctors can’t seem to find an answer for. I’m unable to walk or stand for any length of time, therefore for the first time in my life I’m unable to work. Life is changing drastically.
    Seeing and hearing Christopher made me reaffirm my trust in the Lord. No longer am I thinking of “what if” or “why”. God has a plan for everyone, we just have to “Open the eyes of our hearts”. Thank you so much God for bringing Christopher to me today, an answered prayer! Christopher you truly are an inspiration and God is using you in a tremendous way. God bless you and your family. Thanks a million for what you do. Now I have to go wipe all the tears of joy off my keyboard!

  19. It never ceases to amaze me how God can take a hopeless jumbled up mess of a person’s life and make it a beautiful, inspiring blessing. I, like many others, have been beaten down with looking at my own jumbled up mess of a life. I have taken my eyes off God and am straying away from Him. I have found myself doing this time and again throughout my life not knowing why, but always am called back by Him. I have been struggling with my way to turn back, wanting to go, but looking at my situations in life. I am a born again Christian feeling the hopelessness of this world and just wanting to go “home”. God guided me to find Christopher singing “Open the eyes to my heart” and a brief story of his beginnings today. When I hear Christopher sing this song, I feel the connection to God to plead for Him to help me find my way back. Thank you God for sending us such an inspirational tool of yours called Christopher Duffley. I pray that God will continue to use this young man to bring us all closer to Jesus. God bless you all for doing and following God’s plan.

  20. God is amazing!
    Somehow I stumbled upon a video of Christopher’s testimony and “Open the Eyes of My Heart” performance today. I’ve been pretty low the past couple of weeks. I have what I thought was a terrible “hand of cards” dealt to me.
    Seeing and hearing Christopher made me reaffirm my trust in the Lord. No longer am I thinking of “what if” or “why”. God has a plan for everyone, we just have to “Open the eyes of our hearts”. Thank you so much God for bringing Christopher to me today, an answered prayer! Christopher you truly are an inspiration and God is using you in a tremendous way. God bless you and your family. I Thank God For Christopher He Has Truly Been A Blessing To Me And My Church Family . For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29-11.

  21. Last night after church a friend of mine shared a u tube video of Christopher singing “Open the eyes of my heart”. I had never heard of him before. She knew I would be moved with having 3 of my own 4 children having autism. Our 25 year old son is non-verbal, and our 2 daughter are 20 and 22. They are our gift from God and will continue to live with us as the Lord wills. It hasn’t been easy, that’s for sure, but what lessons about life and loving unconditionally I have learned through them. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Watching Christopher sing speaks out that he sees the Lord better than most. And oh, how we need to have the heart of your son. For truly, Jesus is life!! Thank you for sharing Christopher with us.

    1. Dear Donna, you have certainly moved my heart today. May God give you all the graces and spiritual gifts you need to live out your calling. Praying for you and all our friends, Christine

  22. Thank you for sharing Christopher with us. Your family and particularly Christopher has made it possible to see that there are greater things meant for us all. I have never been so effected by an individual in my life. I have shared Christopher’s story with my 14 year old son. He cried not because he felt sorry but because he wishes he could have Christopher as a friend nearby. He said mom – he is my age and I know we would be friends if we met.

  23. I was learning a new song to sing on singsnap and praise our Lord (Open The Eye Of My Heart)… This how I learned of Christopher when I listened to him sing this song I was so moved and it touched my heart….. Hearing him sing this song really made me feel its meaning and God even more…. Your story and music has opened my heart…. I also was born early weighed 2lb and was adopted by amazing people who devoted there lives to taking care of other people’s children (19 foster children that includes me)…. Also music has always been a part of my life singing…. I am happy God lead me here to open my eye and heart…. You and your family are beautiful people thank you for sharing your story and music… God Bless All Of You…. Alisa

    1. Dear Alisa, Every life matters! and I praise God for providing a beautiful family. Thank you for your comments and may God continually bless you! Christine


  24. I just listened to both of your cds and love love love that you have shared your beautiful gift with the world? My faith has been tested and many have tried to stomp the goodness right out of my heart for a few years and I dont usually go to YouTube but I am thankful that I did…The Lord knows what we need and blesses us daily..Sometimes we need to be reminded Especially when we are feeling soo alone..Thank you for sharing your faith and goodness with me..My heart is overflowing Much love to you and your family..

  25. You give me a renowned love for God and his works I haven’t stopped listening to you messages.I myself is going through a very rough time but I give it up to God

    1. Thank you Cindy for writing. We take one day at a time and remember God in prayer, with each other and alone. There is nothing else that matters, only God and the love shown to us through Jesus Christ. He has redeemed the world and in heaven we shall meet!! We have great hope.

  26. i am from germany andi cannot this language so good, but i must tell you: in a world with so much egoism and superficiality sometimes you find i light to orientat yourself and the way you will go in your life. for me is such a light mr. andms duffley, who did what they did for chris because of humanity without asking use after. thank you for that sign and i wish you all the best. you are role model in a world full of useless celebritys.

    1. Thank you so much for your comments. Please pray that we always stay grounded in what God wants, not our will. Blessing to you in Germany! The Duffleys

  27. dear Christopher dufffley sometime you should come and sing with andy cason god special friends your friend andy and igo too church at saint peter Lutheran church in Arlington heights

  28. Comment
    hi Christopher you are my nephew name sake, Although am a Muslim but I cry when I watch d video of open the eyes of my heart. tears roll down from my eyes I also feel for d blind bcoz I have a sister that lost her sight five years ago she is 32 years of age, she is 28 years when she lost her sight I wish she could see again and also wish d same with Christopher duffley.

    1. Hi, We are united by a loving God and He is a God of miracles. May your sister experience peace and everything she needs to transition. The tragedy only exists when we lose sight of what matters. Our goal is heaven, our song is love. Never pity anyone without sight, rather enable them to be the best they can be. Vision loss means that things are done differently, the person is no less. Google the National Federation of the Blind or Perkins School and see all the wonderful things happening for those in the blind community. There is unlimited potential and a life worth living.
      Christine Duffley

  29. I am truly blessed with Christopjer’s entire story and GOD is mightily using this young man. It has stirred my soul and at the age 74 I am ashamed of how little I 0have done for my SAVIOUR. Thank you Christopher for being such a blessed inspiration .God has healed me of 4 cancers. I’m BLESSED

  30. Christopher, I can’t begin to describe the way I feel about your singing and praises and worship. My name is Candi. I had a son named Austyn James he was born way to early and only weighed 1lb 8oz I miss Austyn everyday he lived 9 short days in the NICU. You’re an amazing young man and I am great ful to have gotten a chance to hear you sing!
    I love the Lord and people ask how I can survive the loss of a child my answer is simple the power of prayer is what has gotten me through. I’d love to maybe one day get to meet you! Thanks so much for your love and support to the he Lord.

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